Winter in Auckland can be yucky, grey and unpleasant. So to lift your spirits we have listed suggested walks where you can enjoy the signs of spring in Auckland.
Baby farm animals tend to warm our hearts, and Auckland has several farm areas that are easy to get to.
Probably the best known is one of our favourite places for a walk, Cornwall Park in Central Auckland. Head a little further south to Ambury Park Farm and then onto Puhinui Reserve.
Wetlands, craters and streams attract the bird-life and in spring you will find new additions to families of ducks, geese, swans and pukeko.
North Shore – there is Lake Pupuke (an area of the walkway is closed off to protect the youngsters during spring).
Central Auckland – there are two waterways that attract the birds – Western Springs and Waiatarua Reserve. You may also spot ducklings in Oakley Creek and the pond in Auckland Domain.
East Auckland – visit Tahuna Torea and Pigeon Mountain wetlands. Swan and ducklings breed in a pond along the walkway at Point England.
South Auckland – there is Wattle Downs and Barry Curtis Park.
West Auckland – Oratia and New Lynn.
And if you like seeing the spring bulbs and blossoms, then you must visit Cornwall Park, Auckland Botanic Gardens and Albert Park.