Quick facts about this walk

Location: Positano, Amalfi Coast, Italy
Distance: 30 km - by boat
Time: 5 hours including boat trip
Difficulty: Easy walk around Positano
Elevation: 431m
Track Quality: Walking around town was very nice
Transport: There is a ferry from Amalfi town
Mobile coverage: Good

A day trip from Amalfi Town to Positano is an awesome way to experience two of the Amalfi Coast's most picturesque gems.

Here’s what you can expect:


  • I started the day with a stroll through the charming town of Amalfi. Exploring the historic centre, wandering through the narrow, cobbled streets lined with colourful houses and shops. I stopped to admire the magnificent Duomo (Cathedral) of Sant’Andrea. I would allow 1-2 hours to explore Amalfi at a leisurely pace.
  • Take a short walk from the town centre to the Amalfi ferry port. Several ferry companies operate between Amalfi and Positano, with departures roughly every 30 minutes to 1 hour. The journey takes approximately 20-30 minutes and offers stunning views of the coastline along the way.


  • Upon arrival in Positano, you’ll be greeted by the town’s iconic pastel-coloured houses cascading down the cliffside. Take some time to appreciate the breathtaking views from various places.
  • Positano is a pedestrian-only town, so excellent for us walkers. Navigate the maze of narrow streets, lined with charming shops, art galleries, and cafes.
  • If you have time like I did, consider exploring these options:
    • Climb the steps to Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta: This iconic church with its distinctive majolica dome offers panoramic views of the town and the coastline.
    • Explore the beaches: Positano boasts several beautiful beaches, perfect for soaking up the sun and taking a refreshing dip in the Mediterranean Sea. Popular options include Marina Grande beach and Spiaggia Grande.
    • Visit the Museo Positano: This museum explores the town’s history and culture through exhibits showcasing local traditions, artifacts, and artwork.

Returning to Amalfi:

  • Ferries operate regularly throughout the day, allowing you to choose your return time based on your preferences. The journey back to Amalfi takes approximately the same timeframe, offering another opportunity to admire the scenic coastline.


Overall, a day trip from Amalfi to Positano allows you to experience the unique charm and beauty of both towns. Allocate around 4-5 hours for this trip, including travel time and exploration.

Additional Tips:

  • Wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking on uneven surfaces.
  • Bring sunscreen and a hat, especially during the summer months.
  • Pack a light lunch or snacks if you don’t plan to dine in Positano.
  • Consider purchasing a ferry ticket in advance, especially during peak season.

Map location and track

My 3d video of the walk

See my photos of the Amalfi Town to Positano - Italy

See more of my Italy Walks