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Walk Location Category: Leigh

Omaha Beach Loop

Omaha Beach Loop

7 km loop • 1 hour 45 mins • Easy • I explored Omaha Beach Loop on a cloudy 18°C day in May. Enjoy white sand, clear water, and small surf. Perfect for families with parking, toilets, and a kids’ playground.

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Ti Point Walk

Ti Point Walk

3.8 km return • 1 hour 15 mins • Easy • I walked the coastal path to Ti Point, spotting giant pohutukawa trees & climbed up a small hill for breathtaking views of Leigh Harbour & Little Barrier Island.

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Goat Island Walkway

Goat Island Coastal Walkway

1.6 km Return • 25 mins • Easy • Following the Goat Island Walkway, I hiked along grassy paths with stunning Hauraki Gulf views. The well-maintained track went through native bush with abundant birdlife.

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