Quick facts about this walk

Location: Bomerano, Amalfi Coast, Italy
Distance: 7.4 km
Time: 4 hours 15 mins
Difficulty: Easy to medium with steps up and down
Elevation: 277 m
Track Quality: Track was dirt most of the way. Some big rock steps here and there.
Transport: I was already staying in Bomerano. You can catch a bus from the Amalfi Coast to the town.
Mobile coverage: Good

Starting way up in the hills at Bomerano, the Path of the Gods walk gets amazing views

The Path of the Gods (Sentiero degli Dei) walk is moderately challenging and quite long. The hike is along the Amalfi Coast in Italy. I did this walk in May and the weather was perfect, not too hot.

I started the walk from the village of Bomerano, as that’s where I was staying. Take plenty of water and snacks if you need too. I was walking with a group from the hotel which came with a guide. Although the track is not that hard to follow by yourself.

The well-maintained trail offers panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the colourful towns of Positano and Praiano below. You’ll walk past citrus groves, fragrant rosemary bushes, and occasional inclines as you traverse the cliffside path. 

There was a very small cafe along the way, although I’m told it’s not always open, but it was in a great location high up on the hill with an excellent photo opportunity. There was a water tap there too.

The route ended where I started, though some choose to continue to Positano via a steep descent involving many stairs. This is a massive walk, although all downhill, very hard on your knees.

Map location and track

My 3d video of the walk

See my photos of the Path of the God's - Amalfi Coast, Italy

See more of my Italy Walks